Tech Due

Dardania’s tech due diligence process evaluates all technology-related aspects of a company, including the technical feasibility of the product or platform, the current state, the technical capabilities of the team, and the scalability of the technology.

Technology Landscape

Understand the target company’s complete technology footprint and how it uses it, including the technology stack, infrastructure, and tools used to build and maintain the product.

Assess Quality
and Tech Debt

Evaluate the reliability, scalability, and security of the company’s technology, as well as the quality of its code and architecture. Evaluate the technical debt associated with maintaining or updating outdated or poorly designed tech.

Identify Technology
Related Risks

Understand the target company’s complete technology footprint and how it uses it, including the technology stack, infrastructure, and tools used to build and maintain the product.

Intellectual Property

Evaluate the reliability, scalability, and security of the company’s technology, as well as the quality of its code and architecture. Evaluate the technical debt associated with maintaining or updating outdated or poorly designed tech.

Assess Team

Evaluate the team’s technical and leadership capabilities., by assessing the team’s skill set, experience, and culture.
