
We are different from any of your other tech due diligence vendors! We are younger, we are practitioners who are actively working on cutting-edge tech, and we are willing to roll all of our fees into the target company’s investment thesis.

We understand what our clients need and want. Our proven approach allows us to help our clients with relevant, context-rich, accurate information to drive their investment decisions. Our work is referencable beyond the tech diligence engagement.


A complete, thorough, and context-rich evaluation of the target company’s entire technology footprint, the current state, and the roadmap.

We provide a true assessment of the tech stack and infrastructure, the technical and leadership capabilities of the team, and the scalability of the technology.

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A complete, thorough, and context-rich evaluation of the target company’s entire technology footprint, the current state, and the roadmap.

We provide a true assessment of the tech stack and infrastructure, the technical and leadership capabilities of the team, and the scalability of the technology.


Prepare the company’s technology and operations for exit by taking the necessary steps to ensure that the company is in the best possible position from a platform,, infrastructure, security, resiliency, and personnel perspective to increase the chances of a successful IPO or exit and maximize the value received by its shareholders.


A pragmatic plan for a portfolio company designed to identify and implement product and engineering initiatives that will scale the platform effectively and efficiently while balancing the need to address tech debt and drive innovation within the category to enhance the company’s competitive position.

We develop the plan in close collaboration with the portfolio company’s management team and the investors.

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We bring together a team of practitioners actively working in cutting-edge technology to provide private equity firms with accurate, relevant, and context-rich tech diligence to drive their investment decisions.